Flooding in Kingsland

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Heavy rains are causing flooding in Kingsland and officials are urging residents along the Llano River to evacuate. Those living within 1/4 mile of the north and south banks are under a mandatory evacuation and evacuation centers and shelters have been opened.

North Llano residents can go to Oesteriech’s Rose located at 809 West Young Street.

If you live in South Llano east of Flag Creek you can evacuate to the First Baptist Church on Luce Street.

South Llano residents west of Flag Creek can co toward JLK Arean and Events Center on Ranch Road 152.

In Kingsland, the Community Center on Rose Hill Drive is opening up for evacuees.

Officials say that the RM 2900 bridge in Kingsland has been washed away by flood waters.

There are several flood and flash flood warnings going on right now. You can find up to date information here.