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Homeless student shares story of how Florence is changing her life

WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — Hurricane Florence left many people with absolutely nothing.
For a teenage victim, the storm was a blessing in disguise.
“The hurricane was my excuse of not going back to the shelter,” Chrishuanta Davis said.
From a broken home, the 19-year-old from Wilmington found refuge in a homeless shelter.
“When I first got to the homeless shelter, I called her and I was crying,” David said. “I said, ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do about school.’ And I was talking to her and I said, ‘No matter what happens, dropping out is not an option for me,’” said Davis.
Nobody to turn to but her grandmother, who could not take her in. Davis says her grandmother is who keeps her going.
“I do it all for her,” Davis said. “But I also do it for me.”
When the storm hit, Davis was evacuated from the homeless shelter in Wilmington. Even today, she is at the red cross shelter. All while working and putting herself through her senior year in high school.
“How can we quit when she’s so determined? She’s in such a situation that no one should be placed in, much less, someone that young,” said Betty Bicknell, a Red Cross Case Worker/
Bicknell and New Hanover High School Counselor Jennifer Capps are Davis’s support system. They are determined to see her make it across that stage.
“I would love for her to feel safe and secure. And have a place to call home,” said Capps.
Davis will not let her spirit falter. She says she want to join AmeriCorps the second she graduates and maybe someday have a career in fashion.
“Life is not always going to go how you want it and how you plan for it to go,” Davis said. “There are going to be some bumps in the road, but you keep pushing and you’ll get through it.”
This high school senior is taking things day by day and above all is proud of all she has accomplished.
Bicknell says they are working to secure a housing plan for Davis.
Davis says after AmeriCorps she hopes to continue her passion for sewing and design.