Cannabis farm destroyed by Hurricane Florence

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A North Carolina cannabis farmer is out hundreds of thousands of dollars following the destruction caused by Hurricane Florence — and federal law prevents his controversial crop from being insured.

“I put everything I had into this and it really, really has set me back,” farmer Brad Adams said. “I mean, I just don’t understand why it’s not legal.”

Adams was growing hemp, a form of cannabis that’s different from marijuana, on his farm in Kelly, N.C.

Hemp is low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive constituent in the plant that gives users a “high.” It’s so low in THC, that North Carolina legalized hemp in 2016. 

Adams’ farming mostly benefited people with CDB oil, which can treat a number of disorders, such as seizures.

“It’s medicine for them,” Adams said.

Hemp is legal in many states across the country but, federally, it’s still illegal — even though it’s not necessarily enforced.

Since it’s illegal, federally, insurance companies will not cover the controversial crop.

Adams’ farm sits along the Cape Fear River in Eastern North Carolina. Flooding from Hurricane Florence destroyed his entire grouping of crops.

“I mean, I put everything into this, I cashed out my E-Trade, sold my Mustangs,” Adams said.

Adams said he had about 5,000 cannabis plants on his farm before Hurricane Florence hit.

The 2018 U.S. Senate Farm Bill, which has bipartisan support, would legalize hemp on the federal level.

“I feel strongly that it will [pass],”’s Eric Steenstra said.

In the meantime, Adams has not given up on his passion. He’s looking for investors to help get his farm back to what it was.

The full story airs Thursday, Nov. 15 on FOX 46 Charlotte News after Thursday Night Football.