Gov. Cooper asks President Trump to end shutdown so state can rebuild after Hurricane Florence

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Gov. Roy Cooper penned a letter to President Donald Trump on Tuesday, asking him to end the government shutdown so North Carolina “can continue to rebuild from hurricane flood waters and prevent future damage.”

In his letter, Gov. Cooper argued that the work being done to rebuild is delayed “with every day that federal funds are held in Washington.”

For example, he said, the $168 million award from the US Housing and Urban Development is currently unusable without publication in the Federal Register.

“With HUD’s doors shuttered, communities across our state are without a road map showing how to partner with the federal government to strengthen infrastructure, protect life and property and move people out of harm’s way,” Cooper wrote.

He also said help for farmers affected by the hurricane is currently unavailable.

“The government shutdown is also threatening the livelihood of our farmers, many of whom were swamped by the same hurricane waters that destroyed homes and businesses,” Cooper added.

Click here to read the letter in full.

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