Those now in Savannah will have to ride out Hurricane Dorian

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— As the owner of Olympia Cafe, Nick Pappas has seen his share of storms.

The riverfront restaurant is popular with locals and tourists alike. Tuesday night, it was empty.

“We might end up closing an hour early if its like this,” Pappas said.

As Dorian churns an agonizingly slow path to the north, Savannah – along with all of coastal Georgia and South Carolina – is under evacuation orders.

“This is a very busy time and this weekend, you know, it destroys all of us down here,” Pappas said.

Half a mile inland, workers move methodically, block by block, nailing boards to windows.

“We’re just gonna work until we get as much as we can get done,” said Tyler Avery, a contractor.

County officials charged with busing evacuees out of town closed shop at 6 p.m. Major bridges are now shut down. Those who are left in Savannah are here to stay. Emergency officials have warned, they are on their own.

“As you can see, you know, everybody’s scared and everybody goes away,” Pappas said.