Watch: Group rescues pelican in distress during Hurricane Dorian

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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Here’s proof there are still good people in the world—even in the middle of a hurricane.

Several drivers stopped on the Lesner Bridge during Hurricane Dorian Friday all to help a pelican in distress.

A video posted on Facebook by Paul Holley and shared with 13News Now showed him pulling up to the rescue attempt as it was underway. Among the people trying to help the bird was a Virginia Beach police officer, who had stopped their cruiser to keep everyone safe while they were trying to help the bird.

In the video, the pelican is seen trying to fly away from the bridge, but it gets caught up and overtaken by the strong winds. The bird struggled to fly and quickly landed on the ground behind one of the stopped cars.

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The Good Samaritans quickly ran up to the exhausted animal and one person with a net safely trapped the pelican on the ground. The group then safely scooped up the bird to take it to safety.

“There are still good people in this world!” Holley wrote in the caption of his Facebook video.

Another woman commented on Holley’s post with a video update of her own. The video shows three pelicans bundled up in the back of her car—the one in the back right is the one that was seen getting rescued in the video.

She said they were all part of a big family of birds in the area. A fourth pelican was hit by a car and didn’t survive.

“These guys were unable to get up because of the wind from this hurricane, and they were being thrown in the middle of the road,” Dacia Thorson said in the video.

She said she was driving the pelicans to someone who rehabs wildlife in the area.

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