Hurricane Laura Evacuees Safe In North Texas But Face Uncertainty About Returning Home

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ENNIS, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – For now, reception centers opened around the state to help direct evacuees to local resources will remain open.

Although Laura has moved on, the destruction will keep some families away from their homes for week — if not, forever.

“It’s bad. It’s real bad in Lake Charles,” said Norma Vitor, while stopped at the reception center in Ennis. “We don’t know what we going back to, some of us going back to nothing.”

And some fellow evacuees admit to having grown weary with fighting a losing battle with the weather.

“Rita took one, Ike took one, Harvey almost took one,” said Jason Moorman. “But, Emelda took everything and we started over again.”

Moorman says his family was just moving into a new home, after losing his third to hurricanes.

“I think it’s time to move out of Southeast Texas. Lost a lot of things,” said Moorman. “And I’m tired of it. I’m tired of it.”

Even those evacuees whose homes still stand aren’t eager to return.

“A lot of downed power lines, a lot of tree damage,” said Marissa Myers, who evacuated from Orange, Texas. “They’re estimating two to three weeks without power, and it’s too hot for me to have my son over there with no power.”

Calvin Lazard agrees. He evacuated from Beaumont and says he plans to rent a hotel room until it’s safe to return.

“We got that humidity,” said Lazard, “So if I go back and have to stay with no lights, it’s pretty rough.”

They all expressed gratitude for the reception centers which offered Wi-Fi, water, snacks, restrooms and help with securing hotel rooms.

Emergency management staffers are encouraging more hotels to make rooms available as evacuees are facing extended stays now away from their homes.

“All we can do is just pray,” said Vitor. “And just allow God to take care of us.”