NC groups sending barbecue to feed Hurricane Laura victims

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Ford’s Produce Company is teaming up with Operation BBQ Relief to help give victims from the catastrophic storm a good meal. (Photo: WTVD)

RALEIGH, NC (WTVD) — Barbecue is one of North Carolina’s most delicious exports and a point of pride for the region. So a couple of local food groups are using the pork-based delicacy to provide comfort to needy families after Hurricane Laura.

Ford’s Produce Company is teaming up with Operation BBQ Relief to help give victims from the catastrophic storm a good meal.

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Ford’s is contributing about seven to eight pallets of food that Operation BBQ will drive down to Louisiana to set up and feed those in need.

“As North Carolinians, we know what it’s really like to have a storm that really devastates us,” Patrick Ford said. “Texas has been there for us, and we’re Americans. It’s the right thing to do to help people out.”

In addition to barbecue, the group is sending vegetables, fruits and dairy products. The ultimate goal is to provide warm, nutritious meals to families in their time of need.

Read more here.


