National Hurricane Preparedness Week: Are you ready?

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These 3 important steps can help you be ready for when the storms come to the Carolinas.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — It is National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and here are a lot of things you can do now to make sure you’re ready when the storms come to the Carolinas.

Three important steps to get storm ready:

Get an insurance check-up

You’ll want to call your agent and have them give you a quick policy rundown. Then make sure you’ve got all your documents in a safe, dry space that you can get to in case of an emergency.

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Assemble your plan

Start by explaining things to your kids. Then go through your emergency contact list and get them into everyone’s phones.

RELATED: Biden doubling spending to prepare for hurricanes, storms

Put your emergency kit together

You need at least a three-day supply of things like food, water, and medicine for every person and pet in your family. Items like batteries, chargers, and cash are also good to add to the kit in case there’s no internet or ATMs.

If you don’t already have the WCNC Charlotte app – go ahead and download it, that way you get alerts that the storm is coming and updates if the power goes out.

RELATED: Ahead of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, here’s how to stay prepared and weather aware

If you’re in South Carolina, you can pick up a hurricane guide put together by the state at places like Walgreens and the DMV.

Contact Rachel Lundberg at or follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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