Trump tweets he’s ‘forever grateful’ to law enforcement after Florence cops are shot

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Following Wednesday’s shooting in Florence, where seven law enforcement officers were hit by gunfire — one fatally — President Donald Trump was among those to weigh in on the deadly incident.

My thoughts and prayers are with the Florence County Sheriff’s Office and the Florence Police Department tonight, in South Carolina,” Trump tweeted.

The shooting began when sheriff’s deputies were attempting to serve a search warrant, and the suspect opened fire, Maj. Michael Nunn said at a news conference, adding three deputies and four police officers were shot.

“We are forever grateful for what our Law Enforcement Officers do 24/7/365,” Trump tweeted.

The president’s tweet included the post from S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster.

“This is simply devastating news from Florence. The selfless acts of bravery from the men and women in law enforcement is real, just like the power of prayer is real,” McMaster said. “Peggy and I ask that you pray for them, pray for their recovery, pray for their families, and pray for all of Florence.”

Both of South Carolina’s U.S. senators also weighed in on Twitter.

“Heartbroken over the shooting involving the Florence area police officers. God bless those who choose to protect us and their families. We are keeping them in our prayers,” Graham tweeted.

He added he spoke with Florence Mayor Steve Wukela about the “horrific incident.”

“We stand by ready to help in any way we can. May God bless the fallen and those who are suffering,” Graham said.

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Tim Scott, South Carolina’s junior senator, tweeted “Prayers with injured officers in Florence and their families.”

Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford, currently a U.S. Representative tweeted about the shooting, saying “This is terrible. Sending prayers to Florence this evening.”

S.C. Rep. Katie Arrington, who defeated Sanford in a Republican primary for his seat in Congress, also shared her thoughts on the deadly incident.

“Please join Rob and me in prayer for these law enforcement officers and their families,” Arrington posted on Twitter.

Her opponent in the general election, Democrat Joe Cunningham, shared his thoughts, tweeting “Awful news coming out of Florence. Praying for the wounded officers and their families and hoping for a quick resolution to this horrible situation.”

Tom Rice, another S.C. member of the House of Representatives, also tweeted.

“This is absolutely devastating. We are staying updated and sending our prayers to the police officers and their families.”