State opens center for Hurricane Matthew disaster recovery

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Flooding after Hurricane Matthew (Photo: WTVD)

BURGAW, NC (WWAY) — State housing specialists opened an office to assist residents who were impacted by Hurricane Matthew.

The center is called the Hurricane Matthew Recovery Intake Center and is located at the Shiloh Columbia Volunteer Fire Department building, 19170 US-421, Willard.

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“Yes, I did say Hurricane Matthew,” said Judith Herring, Pender County Housing director. “The center’s housing specialists will meet with families impacted by Hurricane Matthew. The center is open weekdays and Saturdays. Walk-ins are welcomed.”

Herring explained that an Intake Center is a place for people to start their application for assistance under the Community Development Block grant-disaster recovery (CDBG-DR) grant for Hurricane Matthew. The specialists are representatives for the State to work with families who require assistance.

“FEMA is not associated with this program,” said Herring. “The funding comes from HUD through the CDBG program. The funding is granted to the State, who then assists communities with the funds.”