Habitat for Humanity Blitz event offers hope, home to displaced hurricane victims

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FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.. (WTVD) — Cork Oak Circle is affectionately known as Veterans Circle to those who have spent the last week working there. It’s where several veterans gave thanks to Habitat for Humanity’s Builder’s Blitz program.

Peter Kelley is one of those veterans.

“Thirty days, then 28 days. Tomorrow it will be 24 days. I’m counting down slowly but surely. Soon it’ll be zero days and I’ll get my keys to move in,” Kelley said.

The new home is what financial freedom looks like to the first time homeowner, veteran and Hurricane Matthew victim. He’s lived in a hotel for two years.

“We’re pretty much going around the clock to get these houses up and ready,” said a Habitat for Humanity spokesman. “Everything needs to be done by the time they move back in.”

The initiative involves several community organizations, volunteers, contractors and even Kelley. Soon he’ll have a new home with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It’s the freedom he’s always wanted.

“It’s a new beginning. It’s a new chapter. It’s a new era,” Kelley said.

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