Friday’s Houston Matters: Refineries Versus Hurricanes, Missed Diagnoses, A Look Back On Robbie Tolan, And Town Square with Ernie Manouse (Aug. 28, 2020)

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Houston Matters begins at 9 a.m. CT on 88.7FM or listen online. Join the discussion at 713-440-8870, or @HoustonMatters.

On Friday’s Houston Matters: A chemical plant caught on fire and released chlorine gas in Lousianna just as Hurricane Laura left the region. A similar incident happened during Hurricane Harvey. Can Houston-area refineries survive a direct impact from a hurricane?

Also this hour: Dr. Therese Beavers talks to us about the delay in cancer and other medical screenings since the beginning of the pandemic.

And we check in with Town Square with Ernie Manouse, a new community call-in show with leading experts on any given subject.

Audio from today’s show will be available after 11 a.m. CT. We also offer a free podcast here, on iTunes, Stitcher and other apps.

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