- 'Could have been way worse' | Kerrville residents recall destructive hailstorms impacting churches, cars and appliance stores
- 'Could have been way worse' | Kerrville residents recall destructive hailstorms impacting churches, cars and appliance stores
- New weather satellites are used to detect newly formed wildfires
- Why hailstorms in Texas are getting more destructive
- North Carolina invests in fortified roofs for hurricane preparedness
Evacuations underway as crews battle 400-acre wildfire near Fredericksburg
The Crabapple fire started at around 1 p.m. Saturday. AUSTIN, Texas — Fire crews in Gillespie County along with the Texas A&M Forest Service are battling a large wildfire north of Fredericksburg that sparked on Saturday afternoon. According to Gillespie County officials, the fire – named the Crabapple fire – started in the 8700 block of Lower Crabapple Road around 1 p.m. All Gillespie County fire departments are responding to the fire. As of 3:10…
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