- 'Could have been way worse' | Kerrville residents recall destructive hailstorms impacting churches, cars and appliance stores
- 'Could have been way worse' | Kerrville residents recall destructive hailstorms impacting churches, cars and appliance stores
- New weather satellites are used to detect newly formed wildfires
- Why hailstorms in Texas are getting more destructive
- North Carolina invests in fortified roofs for hurricane preparedness
Active wildfire in Wilkes County, multiple agencies responding
The fire is now burning across 200 acres of land. WILKES COUNTY, N.C. — There is an active wildfire in Wilkes County, according to Wilkes County EMS. The wildfire is located on the mountainside of Old Highway 16 near the Wilkes and Ashe County line. The North Carolina Forestry Service, Wilbar Fire Department, Wilkes County FAST Team, Wilkes County EMS, and Wilkes County Emergency Management are responding to the wildfire. Officials say crews are battling…
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